Mau humor faz bem para o cérebro
Por Thiago Perin
Quem não acorda achando a vida uma droga e as pessoas todas muito chatas de vez em quando, né? Mas se preocupe não — de acordo com pesquisadores australianos, até essanegatividade toda tem seu lado bom: faz a gente raciocionar melhor.
Em comparação aos tipos
alegrinhos, os mal humorados são mais atentos, menos influenciáveis e especialmente cuidadosos na hora de tomar decisões.
alegrinhos, os mal humorados são mais atentos, menos influenciáveis e especialmente cuidadosos na hora de tomar decisões.
É o que aponta um estudo feito na Universidade de New South Wales (Austrália), que colocou voluntários para assistir a filminhos especialmente escolhidos para deixá-los de bom ou mauhumor, e depois observou como eles se saíam em uma série de testes de raciocínio lógico.
Segundo o líder da pesquisa, Joe Forgas, os ranzinzas cometeram menos erros e se comunicaram melhor — especialmente quando escreviam. Tudo indica que o mau humor potencializa as estratégias de processamento de informações do cérebro. Ponto pra ele.
Moodiness is good for the brain
Who would not wake up thinking life sucks and people all very boring at times, right? Butworry not - according to Australian researchers, essanegatividade until all has its good side: it makes us to reason better.
Compared to the types alegrinhos annoying, the grumpy are more attentive and less influenced especially careful when making decisions.
Is the conclusion of a study at the University of New South Wales (Australia), which putvolunteers to watch the little movies specially chosen to make them good or mauhumor, and then watched as they went out in a series of tests of logical reasoning .
According to lead researcher, Joe Forgas, the grumpy made fewer errors and betterinformed - especially when writing. Everything indicates that enhances the mood of information processing strategies of the brain. Point him.
Who would not wake up thinking life sucks and people all very boring at times, right? Butworry not - according to Australian researchers, essanegatividade until all has its good side: it makes us to reason better.
Compared to the types alegrinhos annoying, the grumpy are more attentive and less influenced especially careful when making decisions.
Is the conclusion of a study at the University of New South Wales (Australia), which putvolunteers to watch the little movies specially chosen to make them good or mauhumor, and then watched as they went out in a series of tests of logical reasoning .
According to lead researcher, Joe Forgas, the grumpy made fewer errors and betterinformed - especially when writing. Everything indicates that enhances the mood of information processing strategies of the brain. Point him.
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